BLOG INI BUKANLAH BLOG RASMI SEKOLAH.Blog ini DIBUAT BERTUJUAN Untuk MEMBANTU PELAJAR YANG MEMERLUKAN BANTUAN. SELAIN ITU, BLOG INI JUGA MERUPAKAN kongsisama mengenai program dan kegiatan yang dibuat oleh SCC di sekolah PJN PHAB,KB. Ianya juga cara terbaik untuk menyalurkan maklumat dengan cepat dan senang kepada penuntut-penuntut.Semoga blog ini dapat dimanafaatkan sepenuhnya oleh warga sekolah. 2009 HINGGA KINI...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Pertandingan Lagu-Lagu Dakwah anjuran A-Team SM PJNPHAB, KB
School Green Day - Penggal ke 3
OGDC organises motivational workshop for 60 students in Belait
Borneo Bulletin, 3 Sept 2010, Friday | |||
By Hanni ABD
The invited speaker at the workshop was Cikgu Ali Yusri bin Haji Gapar, Education Officer and Counsellor from the Counselling Department, Department of Schools, Ministry of Education. Tthe workshop, with the ultimate aim of motivating students to improve their achievements in the upcoming GCE 'O' Level examination, was attended by 60 Year 11 students from Sayyidina Ali Secondary School, Anthony Abell College, Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haji Abu Bakar Secondary School and Perdana Wazir Secondary School. During the talk, students learnt valuable studying strategies, as well as effective techniques to prepare themselves for the major 'O' Level examination this year. The workshop also hoped to impart beneficial life-long skills to the students, to enable them to carry out their responsibilities with utmost dedication, discipline, and efficiency, whilst also building on their self-confidence. OGDC is a leading science-based interactive centre in Brunei Darussalam for the promotion of scientific education and enrichment of academic knowledge amongst the local community, especially the youth. OGDC symbolises the long-term commitment of Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad towards the sustainable development of Brunei Darussalam and its people. |
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Students observe 'Qiamullai' at Kg Pandan Mosque
Borneo Bulletin Weekend, 28th August 2010 | |
By Liza MohdTo mark the holy month of Ramadhan, PJN Pg Abu Bakar Religious School recently organised a 'Qiamullai' practice, which means to stay awake until sunrise, and is a favourite practice by Prophet Muhammad SAW during the religious fasting month. At the event, Primary Six male students were required to stay overnight at Kampong Pandan Mosque Kuala Belait where they performed prayers after the break of fast on Thursday evening until sunrise. The religious event was carried out to give understanding to students on the benefits and multiple blessings gained from performing religious duties during Ramadhan. During the event, students performed the Isyak, terawikh and witir prayers. It was then followed with tedarus al-Quran and a talk on proper ways of performing the Sunnat Tahajud and Tasibh prayers. Students then put their understanding into practice by performing the Sunat Tahajud, Sunat Tasbih and also Sunat Hajat prayers. The activities ended with students performing mass Suboh prayers with other worshippers at the mosque. The event concluded with a closing ceremony officiated by the guest of honour, Inspectorate Officer Awg Ismail bin Ali, who also presented certificates of participation to students and teachers. |
SR Muhammad Alam students visit SM Pg Jaya Negara Pg Hj Abu Bakar
Borneo Bulletin, 27th August 2010, Friday | |||
Story & photos by Hanni ABD
The visit helped the students better understand the physical and mental transitions from a primary to a secondary level. At the library, counsellor Cikgu Dk Zunainah gave a briefing on the school's history, vision and facilities. She also explained to the visitors various subjects offered at the secondary school and its extra-curricular activities. The students were also brought to visit the school's multi-purpose hall, English and ICT laboratories, as well as its Geology, Art and Home Science rooms. |